Jomarie Malcolm-Gordon: mastering the balancing act

Rocheda Bartley

April 13, 2020

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Jomarie Malcolm-Gordon is not a dreamer. She gets things done. She’s the chief branding maverick of Malcolm Mavericks Creative Consultancy, the director of communications at CorpCare Social Impact Consultants Limited, an attorney-at-law, and a motivational speaker.

Though small in stature, she has the voice of a powerful woman who has experienced the world. She is known to look at a challenge dead in the eye and give it a wink. “I’ve always felt a great sense of responsibility to honour the talents that I have been given and to take my purpose in life seriously. This is because of my mother and maternal grandmother, who demonstrated that excellence was the standard of success,” Jomarie told Flair.


She continued: “My faith has also played a key role in propelling me forward, even when life throws curveballs and obstacles my way. Jeremiah 29:11 is a promise that I hold on to when the path to achieving the life I want is riddled with detours and long stretches of uncertainty.”

Each role represents something she loves. They also afford her an opportunity to amplify a voice, whether it be a brand that wants to disrupt the market, a litigant who needs recourse, or an individual who is one conversation away from a breakthrough.

The Norman Manley Law School graduate joined the professional realm as an attorney-at-law six years ago, following in her mother’s footsteps and making her childhood dream a reality.

Jomarie’s legal journey is powered by a desire to make the law accessible and approachable to all, and it allows her to stand in the gap for those whose lives hang in the balance of the fine print. And thanks to her mother, who is also one of her sources of inspiration, Jomarie came to the realisation that beyond the courtroom, representation means treating people as human beings while they are clients.

A couple of years later, she had a life-changing experience that she calls as a “spiritual drape-up”, forcing her to finally take on the challenge as a businesswoman. So, Malcolm Mavericks Creative Consultancy was born. Here, she uses her wit as a brand strategist to help other establishments to increase reach and revenue through clear communication.

“As Marty Neumeier says, ‘Your brand isn’t what you say it is but what they say it is.’ It’s about developing disruptive visuals and copy, fortified by awareness of the overarching goals of the business or individual.”

But that’s not where she wanted to stop. After years of being the unofficial psychologist member of her legal group, she went into coaching. Now, she is using her listening skills, strategic mindset, and a deep sense of empathy to help others navigate between where they are and where they want to be.


So, how does she strike a balance between having several professions and living up to her familial duties?

It’s simple with her ‘3P’ method: praying, preparing, and prioritising. These, in addition to a supportive relationship with her husband and family, usually keep her on track.

And, as they say, hard work and no play makes Jomarie a dull girl, so she always makes time for a little fun. Watching Netflix, debating plot twists with her husband, consuming countless hours of brand and design content, salvaging a reading passion that has been ravaged by legal training, spending time with family and friends, and travelling are her top fun activities.

The young university student has several plans set in place for her future. These include developing a podcast and courses on millennial-centric topics and issues between the second and third quarters of 2020, writing a motivational book, and growing Malcolm Mavericks Creative Consultancy.

She has a message for other young women.

“Dear young queens, believe in your dreams before seeking validation from others, and master the mindset of a winner who can see opportunities beyond the hurdles. Start exploring what your ‘why’ is, and design a plan around it. Pray for discernment, and ensure that as best as possible, the people around you are there to propel you forward and not hold you back. Most importantly, know your worth, and know that being a woman is not a limitation but a superpower.”

Rocheda Bartley



Rocheda Bartley

Whether it's through her written profiles or quick retorts, Rocheda Bartley has a way with words. Quiet, diligent and observant, she brings balance to the Flair team and never ceases to surprise.

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