Revamp your résumé the Millennial Way

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January 27, 2020

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Oftentimes, your résumé speaks before you get the opportunity to wow prospects with that vivacious personality and tenacious ambition that your close friends have grown to admire. What you present is what will determine if you are worth an employer’s time to sit and entertain the conversation of whether you are fit for the job.

Now, Flair knows this is nothing new to you, but people are still making the same horrendous mistakes their high school guidance counsellor warned against, and experts like Kristofferson Nunes hate to see it. Having officially turned résumé revamping into a business last summer, he has worked on over 300 résumés with folks of all age groups to ensure that they are putting their best foot forward in the job-hunting process.

“The idea really came from running UCA, which is a youth marketing agency that provides job opportunities for students. Most of the résumés that crossed my desk were poorly done,” he explained.

Résumé Building

Flair did a résumé consultation with Nunes and picked up a few common mistakes people make, along with tips and tricks that will have you scoring big in the résumé department. Let’s dive into it.


While it helps if the résumé is aesthetically pleasing, there is no need for a floral border nor is it the time to show off your love of race cars. Instead, keep a simple and tidy layout. You want to leave a lasting and professional impact on the reader.

Selfies are for Instagram

We must admit, adding a picture to your résumé definitely looks great but those mirror selfies you took with the Snapchat filter, before a long night of drinking with the boys are not advised. “Use a professional photograph. Feel free to smile and look personable and don’t forget to use a blank background,” Nunes explained.

Work Experience

Be guided by the three ‘Rs’: Role, Responsibility, and Results. Don’t skimp on the information. Employers want to know what you bring to the table and how your experience has benefited previous companies. Don’t forget to add the name of the company and where it is located.

Skill sets are important

“Most people don’t like to list all their skills but this is one of the most important parts of your résumé. Employers want to know what you are bringing to the table. Are you trainable? What have you learnt in all your years? Every skill that is related to the job description and your personal attributes should be listed,” said Nunes. He also urged applicants to go through the work experience category with a fine-tooth comb to make sure there isn’t any overlapping information under the skillset heading.


Unless you have set references that you always use, they know that they are on call and you can add their contact information, do so. Otherwise, leave that category off your résumé.

Bonus tip

Unless you’ve acquired a master’s degree, you’re a PhD candidate or a mature applicant with many years of experience, there is no reason you should have a résumé consisting of more than one page.

This year’s theme is ‘20-Plenty’. If you are looking to upgrade your professional life in hopes of living in abundance, Kristofferson Nunes is a personable résumé doctor who pays attention during consultations to ensure that you meet the standards of today’s employers.

Follow @thecareer.doc on Instagram or send an email to

Story by Jessica Harrison

Photos by Nicholas Nunes

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